This post was updated on June 25, 2024
Hi, I am Scott Paul, a leading exterior restoration contractor and business owner with over 30 years of experience in exterior hardwood decking. My Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain review is based on my history as a wood restoration contractor and actual hands-on testing, all designed to present you with the top deck stain tips. See here for more info about me.
Restore-A-Deck Exotic Hardwood Stain Review
This is our initial Review of the Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain for Exotic Hardwoods such as IPE. This review was one on IPE sample boards and was tested for 1 year from the date of application. The Restore A Deck Wood Stain showed excellent Ipe color retention and showed no signs of wearing or peeling. This test was on brand new, unseasoned IPE and was done the same day as the prep. We waited 1 hour after prep to apply the RAD Stain while the wood was damp.
Note: Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain is one of the only stains we have tested that can be applied to dry or damp wood. Applying to damp wood allows you to prep and stain on the same day, saving you time.
Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain Summary:
Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain is an advanced, water-based, semi-transparent stain formulation designed to penetrate deep into wood pores for maximum protection and longevity. It protects wood from harmful UV rays and damage caused by water penetration. Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain is safe to use, has a low odor, and is easy to clean up with soap and water. It is ideal for all wood types, including pressure-treated pine, cedar, fir, or redwood.
Recent advancements in water-based wood stain technology have allowed the active ingredients in the Restore-A-Deck Stain to offer better UV protection, excellent penetration into the wood grain, and the ability to apply to damp wood, all in beautiful semi-transparent colors that highlight the natural wood grain.
RAD Wood and Deck Stain will increase all exterior wood surfaces’ life, appearance, and durability. The easy-to-apply and maintain Eco-Safe formula allows you to finish faster and enjoy your exterior wood or deck for years.
Important Note: Testing for Exotic Hardwood Deck Stains
Exotic hardwoods such as IPE are extremely dense and difficult to penetrate. When stained, these wood types always fade faster than other woods such as Cedar, Redwood, and Pine. Testing for exotic hardwoods will be changed to 1 year instead of 2 years.
How I Rated Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain
My Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain review contains an 8-step process and the final average score. Each step is on a scale of 1-10.
- The appearance of Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain after Application
- Preventing UV Graying
- Peeling or Wearing
- Cost Per Square Foot
- Preventing Mold and Mildew
- How Easy Was the Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain Application
- Color Shifting
- Ease of Reapplication
- Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain Final Score
8-Step Review of Restore-A-Deck Hardwood & IPE Stain
1. Appearance After Initial Stain Application: 8
The Restore-A-Deck wood stain color we used was the Semi-Transparent Light Walnut. After drying on the IPE wood, the initial appearance was a rich brown with a hint of red (see pictures below). The Restore-A-Deck Stain penetrated extremely well into the wood grain on our test deck. There is no surface film on top of the wood.
2. Preventing UV Graying at 1 Year Mark: 9
Restore-A-Deck had minor fading at the 1-year mark for the IPE test boards. See the picture below at the 12-month mark.
Restore-A-Deck Stain on IPE after 12 months
3. Wear/Tear and Peeling: 9
At the 1-year mark, there was no wearing or peeling for the Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain on the IPE test boards.
4. Cost Per Square Foot: 8
We applied one coat to our IPE test deck. Coverage for the Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain on exotic hardwoods will average around 250-300 sq feet per gallon. Only 1 coat should be applied to exotic hardwoods.
5. Preventing Mold/Mildew/Algae: 10
Like other water-based deck stains, the Restore-A-Deck Wood stain will not promote mold or mildew growth. This is one of the main advantages of using a water-based coating. At the 1-year mark, the deck showed no signs of any mold or mildew.
6. Ease of Application: 9
As per our previous review of the Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain on PTP wood, our favorite aspect of the Restore-A-Deck Wood stain is the ability to stain and prep on the same day! We tested this by cleaning and brightening the wood with the Step 1 and Step 2 Restore A Deck Cleaner/Brightener Kit and applying the RAD stain 1 hour after the prep. The wood was visibly wet on a few areas of the deck and damp to the touch throughout. The coverage was better when applied to damp wood.
IPE Wood After Prep – Unstained
Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain On IPE. Stained 1 Hour After Prep.
7. Color Shifting (darkening) after 1 Year: 8
As expected, there was minimal darkening for the Restore-A-Deck Stain or color shifting.
8. Difficulty of Reapplication: 8
The Restore-A-Deck should be easy to clean and reapply as needed as there was no peeling or wearing. Prep with the Restore-A-Deck Wood Cleaner first.
Overall Score Restore-A-Deck Stain on IPE Wood at 1 Year Period: 8.63
The Restore-A-Deck worked great on our IPE test boards. Restore-A-Deck for IPE will be an easy coat and recoat for exotic hardwoods that require annual maintenance. You will be able to enjoy your beautiful hardwood deck with the product.
Product Information:
More Info: Restore-A-Deck Wood Stain
Cost: $47.99 per Gallon, $149.99 per 2.5 Gallon Pail, $219.99 per 5 Gallon Pail. Products ship free on their website.
Stain Type: Semi-Transparent – Water Based
Available Colors: Natural, Cedar, Light Walnut, Dark Walnut
Application Temperature: 45-95 F
Coats Required: 1 Coat on Exotic Hardwoods and IPE.
Coverage Per Gallon: 250-350 sq. ft on Exotic Hardwoods/IPE
Application Tools: Sprayer, Pad, Brush, Roller
Dry Time: 2-4 Hours
Cleanup: Water
VOC Compliant: 50 VOC Compliant in all States
More Info: Product Data
Manufacturer: Restore-A-Deck
Test Deck Stats:
Deck Wood Type: IPE Exotic Hardwood
Deck Square Footage: IPE Test boards were used.
UV Exposure: 100% Full Sun
How Many Years Tested: 1 Year
Stain Color Used: Light Walnut
*All products tested and results are from our experience. We offer no guarantee of similar results. Consider that results may differ due to different wood types, exposure to UV radiation, and natural weathering.
Restore-A-Deck Semi-Transparent Stain Photos
The Best IPE Hardwood Deck Stain Video –

I have just used RAD cleaner and brightener on my IPE deck. I used the power washer and am concerned about some variations on the wood. There was algae and a thick mold/scum that came off with high pressure on the power washer. I hope I didn’t hurt the wood. I’m planning to stain with RAD Light Walnut. Will these variations cause a problem with the stain? Thank you for your help! Kerry
You helped so much last year with our IPE deck that had grayed. I’d like to clean and stain again this year. A couple of questions…
1. Does it need to be done every year?
2. Do I need to strip or clean from last years RAD semi- transparent stain? Followed by the brightener.
3. Can I do 2 coats? If so, the deck is 40ftx12ft and I’m afraid the beginning will dry by the time I finish one coat.
4. Recommendations for what to apply stain with.
Thank you again for all your help and expertise!
1. With IPE, yes.
2. Clean and then brighten.
3. No, not with IPE.
4. Use their yellow floor brush. Very easy:
Thank you SO much!!
I did steps 1, 2 and 3 24hr ago on my ipe deck. I see a few spots I missed. What is the best way to cover these. Thanks for your help.
You cannot spot apply and have it blend and you cannot add another coat to IPE wood. It will not take a second coat.
I have a hardwood deck that I did the full process process to 3 years ago (RAD stripper, brightener, and then the stain reviewed here). The stain is fading and the wood has lots of little cracks in it. I understand this should be done every year, and I’m gearing up to do this again. I’m not exactly sure what is necessary though. Can I just reapply a coat of the stain, or do I need to clean, bright, and then stain all again? Thanks!
You have to prep when recoating. Reply back with some pics for prep advice. BTW, not every year but every 2-3 years is normal.
Here are two pics of the worst areas as well as the general view of how things look. Thank you!
Clean, brighten, oen coat of the stain.
Is there anything that can be applied after the stain that might help it last longer and/or help with all the miniature cracking?
No, you cannot top coat over a stain. It will peel.
We have a 3 year old Ipe deck that we let gray. We’ve decided to put a stain to bring it back to its original glory. We used Messmers’s A and B. It was still gray so we started sanding. It brought the color back but there is still gray that I can’t seem to get it out with the hand or belt sander. We probably should have rented a floor sander. When the wood gets wet the gray becomes much darker. Is there an easier way to remove the gray? Or do we have to live with it? We’ve ordered sample
of the restore a deck stain and wondering if that is the best option when to wood is finally prepped. I really appreciate you helping everyone! I feel like I’ve gone down the Ipe rabbit hole. Also, the deck faces west and gets beaten by the sun if that makes any difference. Thank you again for your help!!
Post some pics showing the gray. One wet and one dry. RAD stain works great on IPE.
Also, did you pressure wash after using the Part A?
We did not power wash after Part A. We did Part A, then B. Then sanded, then power washed.
You are supposed to pressure wash after the cleaner to remove dirt and oxidation.
Here are the pictures.
Redo the prep. Apply the A and pressure wash off. Brightener right after,
Ok. Thank you so much! How much time after I do this do I have before I need to get the stain on? I just received samples today so I’ll need to figure out which one we like best. Do you have a recommendation? We really just want as clear as possible to let the natural color of the wood come through. Again, we really appreciate all your guidance!!
Best to stain within 2 weeks of prep. If longer, just do a light pressure wash. Use the Restore A Deck Stain in Light Walnut.
Thank you SO much!!! I’ll order it now. You have been SO SO helpful. I’ll follow up with pictures when it’s done.
I have just used RAD cleaner and brightener on my IPE deck. I used the power washer and am concerned about some variations on the wood. There was algae and a thick mold/scum that came off with high pressure on the power washer. I hope I didn’t hurt the wood. I’m planning to stain with RAD Light Walnut. Will these variations cause a problem with the stain? Thank you for your help! Kerry
I’m planning to install a new fence out of Red Balau. It is denser than softwoods, but not to the level of Ipe.
Should I still let the wood weather prior to staining? What are the downsides to staining prematurely, as the fence is being I initially built?
Do you know why the recommendation from the lumber company (stain/oil immediately) differs from the directions of stain manufacturers?
All new wood needs to weather and prep:
It is about porosity and new wood is not porous enought to accept a stain very well. Do nto pre-stain.
Lumber companies do not understand the different makeup of all the different exterior deck stains.
my Grapa Gold deck is gray. What is the process for reviving it. Does it need to be pressure washed, then degreased, then stained?
You need this for prep while pressure washing:
Then apply the Restore A Deck Stain after:
We are installing a new Ipe deck that will be very close to the ground, about 10″ off of ground. Would it still be wise to not stain all sides of the wood or just do the top like you say for breathing? Thanks for your help.
Only stain the exposed side after weathering the new wood and prep.
We have a 16 year old Ipe deck (part in full sun, part covered) that we have been staining with Australian Timber Oil every few years. Some of it has come off completely, but some still has a lot of stain on it and I’d like to get it all off before I restain this year. Pressure washing didn’t help at all. It sounds like we should use RAD stripper and brightener. Do you prefer RAD for stain on Ipe as well? Or is Armstrong-Clark a better choice?
Bother are good but the RAD seems to hold color a little longer. Yes, you will need to strip and then brighten.
I completely restored a neglected dock this summer and applied messmers. Was very happy after application with the dark, wood grain appearance but it hasn’t already lightened significantly. I probably should reapply another coat this fall fall. Thinking RAD strippers plus this vs armstrong clark. What’s are your thoughts on other colors? If we like the darker look which color do you recommend?
Am I correct that I can strip and stain in the same day with these products? Need I wait in between? How much of a rain free window do I need?
Use the AC in Black Walnut but just do the prep and stain in the Spring. It will be fine. Yes, you have to strip and brighten for prep. You cannot stain the same day as the prep. 48 hours later.
Hi, love the site! I’m in the process of rebuilding a 100+ yr old porch. We’re ripping up the flooring, rebuilding the frame and replacing the flooring with kayu bau. It’s a covered exterior porch and I’m getting mixed reviews online. It sounds like all sides should be sealed but I’m also reading that you should wait 3 months to a year to seal. Can I seal all the sides but the top before installation then wait 3 months and seal the top? If so, what do you recommend for this type of wood? I was thinking about using RAD Natural semi-transparent on the edges and bottom. Then 3 months later, use the cleaner and brightener then finish sealing the top. Do you recommend doing something different or using another product?
No, you should not stain all sides. Just the exposed side after weathering and prep. The RAD stain will work well.
Thanks! Any reason to not stain all sides? Is there a negative in doing it?
Yes, the wood needs to breathe, not be 100% sealed.
Thank you!
Hi, we just installed new garapa decking in Southern California. We picked this type of wood as we wanted very light color to match the flooring in the adjoining living space which is White Oak with white wash finish that almost look like natural oak color. If we are going to preserve the deck what would be the best option to retain the color on garapa without any yellowing or darkening. We purchased Ipe deck but the test color is way too brown. As you see in the image the color is very light and soft. I would hate to get this much darker or brown. I was thinking of clear penetrating sealer but this wood is very dense and not sure if this would work. What would be other options. Also we have few more days for finishing it off and still some time for the rest of the construction to end.
I would really appreciate all the help!